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50 부천시 50주년

전체보기 검색
  • USA, Ukraine, Germany
  • 2024
  • 4'00''
  • World Premiere
  • G


Short Film B
Code Date Time Theater Ticket Reservation
115 2024-10-25 13:00 ~ 14:39 CB7 Ticket Reservation
318 2024-10-27 13:30 ~ 15:09 CB7 Ticket Reservation
403 2024-10-28 10:30 ~ 12:09 CB3 Ticket Reservation


In the remote countryside, Marcel ,an old retired farmer, continues to tend his land and his sheep. One summer morning, as he is overcome by a stroke, his flock escapes and a dreamlike vision appears to him. On his return from hospital, Marcel discovers that there is one ewe left in his empty field. The old man will do everything in his power to reform his flock, despite his weakened body and the worries of his wife Madeleine.
