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50 부천시 50주년

전체보기 검색
Extremely Short
  • Japan, USA
  • 2024
  • 5'18''
  • Korean Premiere
  • G


Short Film B
Code Date Time Theater Ticket Reservation
115 2024-10-25 13:00 ~ 14:39 CB7 Ticket Reservation
318 2024-10-27 13:30 ~ 15:09 CB7 Ticket Reservation
403 2024-10-28 10:30 ~ 12:09 CB3 Ticket Reservation


A man sets out in search of the shortest thing in Tokyo, which turns out to be a single syllable uttered by a dying man. . . . The first installment in a series of animated shorts called "Bungaku Bideo" (Literature Videos), Koji Yamamura's Extremely Short translates into film a powerful story by Hideo Furukawa, read by the author himself.
