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50 부천시 50주년

전체보기 검색
  • South Korea
  • 2024
  • 12'03''
  • 12


Short Film C
Code Date Time Theater Ticket Reservation
116 2024-10-25 15:30 ~ 17:07 CB7 Ticket Reservation
217 2024-10-26 10:30 ~ 12:07 CB7 Ticket Reservation
319 2024-10-27 16:30 ~ 18:07 CB7 Ticket Reservation


Sumi is making a plastic lampshade using discarded plastic spoons. She encounters three illusions as she reminisces about old thoughts and her past lover. addresses the relationship between the eternal and the temporal, experimenting with century-old poetry, digitally preserved museum open-sources, and the latest in 3D software and artificial intelligence.


ROH Youngmee