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BIAF2025 10.24~10.28

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Notice [BIAF2024 Press.03] BIAF2024 Official Poster Unveiled! 2024-05-07 09:52
Sébastien Laudenbach & Chiara Malta
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▲ BIAF2024 Poster

The official poster, the 26th Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF2024) has unveiled by Sébastien Laudenbach and Chiara Malta, the directors of the BIAF2023 Grand Prize-winning film, Chicken for Linda!
As to trailer it will be opened the 1st week of June by family work, Sebastien's animations being based on Chiara's and their son Milo's footage, edited by Milo. Music by Clément Ducol (Linda's score).
Chicken for Linda! was unveiled in the ACID line-up of the 76th Cannes Film Festival. Following winning the Cristal for Best Feature Film and Gan Foundation Award for Distribution at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, the film won the Grand Prize & the Kinolights Prize at BIAF2023. A Jury Alain Ughetto reviewed Chicken for Linda! as "an exciting film that captivates you with its fast-paced narrative and simple yet vividly colorful graphics."
The children run, rush downstairs, open the doors, look through the bars that confine them, lean out of the windows, jostle, leave the line, nose up, even the cowards… You can’t stop them. If you close the door, they’ll come out by the window.

They would do anything to see. You have to see that.

But what are they looking at?

(Les enfants courent, se précipitent en bas, ouvrent les portes, regardent à travers les barreaux qui les enferment, se penchent aux fenêtres, se bousculent, quittent la file, nez en l’air,  même les plus trouillards…On ne peut pas les retenir. Si on ferme la porte ils sortiront par la fenêtre. Ils feraient tout pour voir. Il faut voir. Mais qu’est-ce qu’ils regardent?)
The 26th Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF2024) will take place from October 25 to 29, 2024. (