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50 부천시 50주년

전체보기 검색
Eat with
  • South Korea
  • 2024
  • 10'39''
  • World Premiere
  • G


Korean Short Film A
Code Date Time Theater Ticket Reservation
104 2024-10-25 16:00 ~ 17:21 CB3 Ticket Reservation
210 2024-10-26 14:00 ~ 15:21 CB4 Ticket Reservation
305 2024-10-27 10:30 ~ 11:51 CB3 Ticket Reservation


A young cockroach left alone in the house where an elderly woman lives alone. He struggles to live, but the most unbearable thing is loneliness. One day, the cockroach realizes that the elderly woman’s loneliness is the same as his. Even though he shouldn’t be noticed, the cockroach thinks he would like to eat with a lonely elderly woman.


PARK Seonyeong