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153 [BIAF2023 Press] 96th Academy Shortlist for Animation Shorts Announced! 2024-01-05 14:16
96th Academy Shortlist for Animation Shorts Announced,
Three of the BIAF award-winning films are on the lits: I'm hip, 27, Dog Apartment

<I'm Hip, John Musker>

The Animation Shortlist of 15 films for the 96th Academy Award (Oscar) was announced, which includes three of the BIAF award-winning films.

The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and Moana director John Musker's I'm Hip made it on the list after winning Diversity Prize at BIAF2023. 27, the winner of BIAF2023 Special Distinction Prize and BIAF2022 AniB's Choice winner, Dog Apartment, are also on the list and are aiming to receive an Academy nomination.

Disney100 celebration film Once Upon a Studio, produced by Brad Simonsen, who visited BIAF in 2023, was also included in the list.

BIAF2024, an international Academy Award-Qualifying Animation Festival, will take place from October 25 to 29, 2024, in Bucheon, South Korea.

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[BIAF2023 Press] 96th Academy Shortlist for Animation Shorts Announced!.jpg